Vow Renewal Ceremony
Let this be a day of gladness, thanksgiving, possibility, and good fortune for all of us, but especially for (Groom) and
(Bride), who are here to renew and celebrate their love. Just as spring blossoms anew after a harsh winter, so must spouses
renew their love for each other in their daily lives. Today marks the ________ anniversary of your marriage vows and today
you renew your vows and love as husband and wife. Today begins the new spring of this year's love. So may it be renewed each
day in your hearts.
Groom and Bride, have you come here freely and with the intention of a renewal of your marriage vows?
(Both answer, We Have)
Will you continue to love and honor each other as man and wife every day as you have promised to do?
(Both answer, We Do.)
Will you love, comfort and honor, keeping each other forever more?
(Both answer,We Will)
Groom do you again take Bride as your wife, will you continue to be faithful to her in tender love and honor, offering
encouragement and companionship and will you continue to live with her and cherish her?
(Groom answers I do)
Bride do you again take Groom as your husband, will you continue to be faithful to him in tender love and honor, offering
encouragement and companionship and will you continue to live with him and cherish him?
(Bride answers I do)
The wedding ring is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond, which unites two loyal hearts in endless
love. These circles are designed without an ending, so they speak of eternity. May the incorruptible substance of these rings
represent a love glowing with increasing luster through the years and may all good and holy beings upon this Earth bless these
rings which you give to each other as the sign of your love, trust, faithfulness, respect and devotion.
Groom, repeat after me...
With this ring, I continue my promise to you that I will be your faithful partner in life,
Bride, repeat after me...
With this ring, I continue my promise to you that I will be your faithful partner in life,
May your joys be sweet as spring flowers that grow
As bright as a fire when winter winds blow
As countless as leaves that float down in the fall
As serene as the Love that keeps watch over all.
I now pronounce that you have today reaffirmed your lifes commitment to one another, go forth in love and friendship for
the rest of the days of your lives.